Case Study

You are the Media

You Are The Media (YATM) stands as a nurturing marketing learning community with a distinct mission: to empower business owners to independently promote themselves and their ventures, reducing reliance on intermediaries or third parties. Established in 2013, YATM is grounded in core values of creativity, independence, visibility, experimentation, co-learning, and community engagement. 

YATM achieves its objectives through various avenues, including membership to the YATM Club, participation in live events, collaborative efforts, specialised training sessions, and the dissemination of a weekly newsletter. Notably, the annual YATM Creator Day serves as a pivotal gathering, drawing individuals from across the UK to the Lighthouse in Poole. Here, participants engage in collaborative learning and collective work, all with the overarching aim of empowering businesses to seize control of their promotional efforts, directly attracting audiences, and assuming the role of media creators themselves. Through these initiatives, YATM creates an environment where individuals can develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to navigate the modern marketing landscape autonomously, thereby nurturing a community of self-sufficient and empowered entrepreneurs. 

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