Business Growth Dorset
For more information on the business support, resources, information, and growth programmes available to help you start-up, scale-up and sustain your business visit Business Growth Dorset.
Sector Specific Support
For sector specific support visit the dedicated sectors page on Business Growth Dorset
Framework for Growth
This strategic document, published by Dorset LEP in March 2025, sets out a shared understanding and ambition for the Pan-Dorset area to provide an evidenced starting point for businesses, partners and stakeholders to collaborate to stimulate growth and improve the prospects for people living in the Pan-Dorset area.
BCP Council
For more information on the business support programmes available from BCP Council as well as information specific to businesses in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area please visit the BCP Council Business website
Dorset Council
For more information on the business support programmes available from Dorset Council as well as information specific to businesses in the Dorset area please visit the Dorset Council Business website
Commercial Property Search
For more information on finding suitable premises or land in the Dorset LEP area please visit our Commercial Property Search page
Visiting and Living in Dorset
Visit these websites to find out more about Visiting Dorset and Living in Dorset.